Man Decides to Read His Girlfriend's Diary, Finds Out a Dark Truth about Her

A man recently decided to read his girlfriend's diary. The words revealed that she had been lying to him. He took to an online platform to seek some advice, and many of the replies told him to "RUN" from the girl.

In an attempt to gain some reassurance about his decisions, a man turned to a Reddit group. He revealed that he found his girlfriend's diary lying on her nightstand. Before this, he discovered she was cheating on him with a friend.

After breaking up and getting back together, they eventually tried to work on their relationship despite a few trust issues. The man decided to read the diary, and it revealed shocking information. His partner was in love with someone else.

Man and woman sit in their bed in dismay about their situation | Photo: Shutterstock


In fact, the person she had been daydreaming about in her diary was the man she had cheated on her boyfriend with. The Redditor explained that he traced the diary back to before the first instance of cheating.

He discovered that she had been writing about the other man for a while. In the book, she admitted she was okay with loving both of them. The man felt terrible about snooping and invading her privacy. However, he couldn't leave things as they were.

Netizens react to a man who read his girlfriend's diary and found out she was in love with someone else | Photo: Reddit/acolyte124


He confronted his girlfriend, and her reply was unexpected. She denied being in love with the other guy. She told him the words in her diary were nothing but "random thoughts." The man felt bad about his actions but chose to break up with her.

Now, he was seeking advice about the situation. He felt like breaching her privacy made him just as guilty as her for cheating. He was also unsure whether he should believe his ex-girlfriend and her claims that the diary meant nothing.

Commenters react to a man who read his girlfriend's diary and found out she was in love with someone else | Photo: Reddit/acolyte124


Netizens were quick to reply, and the post garnered hundreds of comments. People called his former partner a "serial manipulator," and others told him to stay away from her.

A user said: "Run far and fast and don't look back. This is full of red flags." Another person expressed: "If there are enough red flags you feel the need to read texts or diaries, there's a good chance you shouldn't be in that relationship anymore."

A man thanks Redditors for their responses and tells them he knew his relationship was not meant to be | Photo: Reddit/acolyte124


Users also told him he was better off alone than with her. A netizen said she seemed "young and immature." Someone else said they would never have taken her back after the first cheating incident.

The user commented: "It's good that you broke up. She's clearly not in love with you. I would never have gone back with her ... Even if she said the kiss was nothing." In the comments, the man thanked people for their replies and realized their "relationship was not meant to be."
