Ted Danson Turns 75 He Made It Thanks to Wife Who Brought a 'Lifesaver' Care into His Life

Ted Danson and his wife, Mary Steenburgen | Source: Getty Images | instagram/mary_steenburgen | instagram/teddanson

  • Ted Danson turns 75 today!

  • The actor is still "madly in love" with his wife of 27 years, actress Mary Steenburgen.

  • Thanks to Mary's help, Ted Danson can now be a "present" grandpa.

Ted Danson, famous for his roles in "Cheers," "Three Men and a Baby," and most recently "The Good Place," is turning 75 today. Despite his youthful good looks, he is also still as in love with his wife as when they first met decades ago.

The actor has become a household name throughout his years in Hollywood and has had great success in his career. His home life is just as successful, with him being married to Mary Steenburgen for many years.

Danson and his wife married 22 years ago but are still as smitten with one another now as they were when they first tied the knot. Talking about his feelings for his wife, Danson said:

"I'm madly in love with Mary Steenburgen. She's a remarkable human being, so I'm just incredibly blessed."

Hollywood marriages tend to fall apart after some time, but Danson and Steenburgen have proven that some stand the test of time and remain strong and loving throughout the marriage.

While others have lost their way, Danson and Steenburgen continue to grow together and learn new things together all the time. Danson has admitted that he finds his wife a "remarkable" person.

They both love married life and have talked about what it feels like to be married to your soulmate for over two decades. Danson gushed:

"It feels like heaven on Earth. If I were to die, I can say, I know what it's like to be loved and to love."

How Did Mary Steenburgen Help Her Husband?

While Steenburgen and Danson are still madly in love with one another, Steenburgen also helps her husband to fall in love with a spiritual practice that has become an essential part of his routine.

In 1995, when the couple got married, Steenburgen introduced her husband to transcendental meditation, a practice they could do together. Talking about how it has affected his life, Danson admitted:

"Life gets more complicated and stressful the older you are. I no longer find [meditation] fun and interesting — I find it a lifesaver."

He said that while it started as something he and his wife could do together, it became an essential part of his daily life as he aged. This type of meditation is a silent meditation with a repeated mantra that is typically done twice a day.

Danson has arthritis, and because there is no cure, a person can only be treated to slow the effects down. Some treatments include physical therapy or medication, but Danson believes his relief comes from meditation.

The actor said that being on set causes his arthritis to flare up, and it is essential that he does his meditations to help him alleviate some of the pain he feels, especially in his hip and back area.

His meditation practice has also allowed him to evaluate what's most important in his life, which is his family. Talking about what his goal with his family was, he said:

"...be present with my granddaughters, be with my wife, be real, be loving, be present."

How Did Danson Meet Steenburgen?

Danson and Steenburgen's love story dates back to 1983, when they first met on the set of "Cross Creek." Danson auditioned as Steenburgen's husband in the film but didn't get the part. He said it was for the better because he was not in a good place then.

Talking about their first meeting, Steenburgen confessed that they were both married and it was not the right time for them. However, in 1993, the couple met again on the set of a new film called "Pontiac Moon."

When they met up again, they had both decided they would not be in a relationship again after their divorces. Danson did not believe he was meant to be in a relationship, and Steenburgen thought Danson seemed complicated.

Steenburgen admitted that she was attracted to Danson even though she thought he was complicated and decided they would just work together and become better friends during that time.

Although Steenburgen was hesitant, Danson knew he wanted to be with her and planned a canoe and picnic trip to Mendocino, California. He said that they came back from that trip smitten with one another. Now, over two decades later, Danson mused:

"I want as long as possible in my life with Mary."

They each had complicated relationships before they found their way to one another, but they made it through and have now lived a wonderful life together for many years. We wish them nothing but happiness in the future.
