Sam Elliot to Shave off His Signature Mustache

Seems like it’s almost time to bid Sam Elliot’s mustache goodbye. The American actor, who is known for his famous mustache, revealed that the days of his iconic mousche are numbered.

We cannot imagine Elliot’s face without his distinctive mustache, but the actor wants to shave it off so he can live his life like a regular person.

“When all this is all over, I’m going to shave it off. I can go places and not be recognized when I don’t have a mustache and I manage to keep my mouth shut.”

The actor is known for his roles in movies including “The West Way”, “The Sundance Kid”, “Lifeguard”, “Butch Cassidy”, and “The Quick” amongst others.

Elliot might be famously known for his mustache but it is not the only unique feature he has. His deep, distinctive voice is no less attractive than his lip upholstery.

However, the star was once told to alter it during the early days of his career. The actor revealed to a source about the time when he was asked to learn how to talk so he could get rid of his dialect.

"When I was looking for an agent, I went and met with this guy. They had a portfolio full of photographs and he was thumbing through these photographs and he closed the book and slid the book back over to me and said, 'If I was you, I'd go back to Portland, Oregon. and if you're going to stay in this town, you should take some voice and diction lessons and learn how to talk and get rid of that dialect."

"I think I grew up thinking about my voice as kind of funny because it had this Southwest dialect to it. I sounded very much like my mom in terms of the dialect," he continued. “I knew that through this years, particularly as I grew older, that I developed this different sound. So I guess I knew at some point before I got into the business that my voice was going to be part of it."

Thankfully, Elliot did not take the advice seriously. He made his film debut in “The Way West” in 1967 and never looked back ever since.

Elliot said he would love to do a musical someday because he likes “doing good work and working with good people.”

We really hope that the actor’s wish will come true one day.
